
Some of the virtues of Quran recitation

Some of the virtues of Quran recitation
The word of Allah
The Noble Quran is the eternal  miracle of Prophet Muhammad . Every Prophet
was supported with miracles and upon
his death it disappeared, except
Prophet Muhammad whose miracle
remained, preserved and protected,
namely the Book of Allah, His divine
revealed Word. Allah Says what
means “Falsehood cannot approach it
from before it or from behind it.

 {لا يَأْتِيهِ الْبَاطِلُ مِنْ بَيْنِ يَدَيْهِ وَلا مِنْ خَلْفِهِ}
Listening to the Quran being recited
correctly is enough to soften even
the hardest of hearts.
 Muslims and non-Muslims alike find it a deeply
moving experience, even if they do
not understand what is being said.
Every Muslim has to recite Quran in
prayers, but many of us do not
realise that reciting the Quran
correctly while observing the rules
of recitation is not an advanced
science for expert reciters alone,
rather it is an obligation upon each
and every one of us whenever we
recite the Quran.

Allah Almighty addressed His 
Messenger Muhammad in the Quran, 
Saying what means "…And recite the 
Quran with measured recitation."

{وَرَتِّلِ الْقُرْآنَ تَرْتِيلًا}
* The prophet peace be upon him 
said :
Recite Quran for it will come on the 
Day of Resurrection to intercede for 
its companions .
* Recite the two bright ones 
Al Baqarah and Aal Imran for 
they will come on the Day 
of Resurrection like two clouds 
or shades or two flocks of 
birds in ranks pleading for 
those who recite them .
Al Baqara
Al _EMRan
* The one who recites Quran and 
learn it by heart will be the noble , 
righteous and scribes in Heavens
*And the one who exerts himself to 
learn Quran by
heart and recites it with great 
difficulty will have a double rew

The Purpose of Tajweed
The Quran is the word of Allah, and its every 
syllable is from Allah. Its recitation must be taken very seriously. The purpose of the Science 
of Tajweed, in essence, is to make the reciter 
proficient in reciting the Quran, observing the correct pronunciation of every letter with the 
rulings and characteristics which apply to it, 
without any exaggeration or deficiency. Through 
this, the reciter can recite the Quran according 
to the way of the Prophet who received it from 
Jibreel who received it from Almighty Allah in 
the Classical Arabic language.

What is Tajweed ?
The Arabic word Tajweed linguistically means
'proficiency' or 'doing something well'. It comes
from the same root letters as the word Jayyid,
which means 'good'. When applied to the Quran,
it means giving every letter of the Quran its
rights and dues of characteristics when we recite the Quran, and observing the rules that
apply to those letters in different situations.
We give the letters their rights by observing the
essential characteristics of each letter. We give them their dues by observing the characteristics
of each letter that are present in them some of the time and not present at other times.

O Allah make Quran the 
spring of our heart and the 
light of our chest ,the 
banisher of our sadness and 
the reliever of our distress .. 


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